
时间:2024-05-14 11:38:19编辑:阿碧

1、I just had two apples.我刚刚吃了两个苹果。

2、I haven't seen Jamie in two months.我两个月没见杰米了。

3、I've been learning the new words.我一直在学习新单词。

4、I just turned off the light.我刚刚把灯关上。

5、She didn't travel by train.她没有坐火车旅行过。

6、It's snowy this winter.今年冬天多雪。

7、I've spent all my money.我把钱都花完了。

8、I have played erhu 7 times a week for 2 years.这两年来,我每周玩二胡七次。

9、He has cleaned his shoes.他已经清理好他的鞋子了。

10、I just finished my homework.我刚刚完成我的家庭作业。

